Comprehensive Energy Solutions

Apr 21, 2021

ECM joins the National Safety Council

ECM Holding Group Inc. is pleased to announce that we’ve joined the National Safety Council. Of course, the focus on safety is not new at ECM. Over the last five years, they have seen rapid growth and an annual decrease in reportable safety incidents. In fact, the Workers Comp Program reduced the ECM rating 4 times since 2016, which lowered their insurance cost per employee by over 60%.

4f75d2_b2a6dfa98431446e9472e155b8bb0067~mv2.webpAs ECM President Erik Larson put it, “A safe working environment is the foundation of our operation. What better way to advance our commitment to employee safety than by becoming a member of America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate? We’re excited about this opportunity to continue improving our performance.”